Are assassin bugs as awful as the name makes them sound? Absolutely! Assassin bug adults have narrow heads and wider abdomens. They are black (sometimes brown) with red or orange markings on them. The abdomen sides are flared upward may have a checkered pattern on them. They may lift the tip of the abdomen in the air while they walk or even at rest. This makes them look like their “butts” are in the air. This mimics stinging insects posture while in defensive mode or under threat. This also takes the focus off of where the real danger lies, which is the front end.
    The long, pointy beak is hidden, tucked under its head when not in use, and makes noise when the insect moves back-and-forth. This strong beak on the assassin bug is used to repeatedly, and extremely violently, stab its prey til dead. This horrible attack method is what gives this pest the name ‘assassin’. They do not feed on plants, but they use plants to hide on to hunt. They can be found on garden plants, ground cover and shrubs as they wait for insect prey. These assassins use their powerful front legs to hold down a victim while they stab it to death, then the body fluids are sucked out.
    Assassin bugs will bite humans if a person is careless enough to get too close. The bites are extremely painful and assassin bugs should never be handled. These pests are one of many we find in the Wichita area, and you should have the professionals at All Star Pest Control helping you keep your family and pets safe from all the local creepy crawlies. Call today! 316-854-3096