Temperatures are rising in Wichita, and the snow is melting which is leaving puddles everywhere you look. Unfortunately, all this excess water is not going unnoticed by mosquitoes. Mosquitoes love this time of year and the extra water and warmer temperatures have them in the mood to breed. Eggs are laid on the surface of stagnant water, even a capful will do, and they hatch into larvae that feed on aquatic algae and organic material. What is not eaten by fish, birds and ducks mature into blood sucking pests.
During the bite, a mosquito’s saliva is transferred to the host and causes an itchy rash. An allergy to this saliva can cause the rash to be severe. In addition to this awful side effect, mosquitoes can also ingest pathogens while biting, transmitting them to future victims. By transmitting these parasitic diseases such as Zika, West Nile, Yellow Fever, Malaria and Dengue Fever (to name just a few) mosquitoes have caused more deaths in humans than any other animal taxon in the world. They are responsible for over 700,000 deaths a year. They can not only make you and your family sick, but your pets as well.
We can’t wipe them out entirely but you can help make your home and yard less attractive. Replace water in bird baths often, dump out standing water in your flower pots, and anywhere else you see standing water. Even your recycle cans can hold enough water to breed mosquitoes. To protect yourself, wear long sleeves and limit exposure outside especially during dusk and dawn while they are most active. In addition to these measures and mosquito repellant, call All Star Pest Control. We have mosquito treatments to help protect your family and pets from these dangerous pests. Call today! 316-854-3096