There are a lot more of our eight legged friends and foes coming out for some fun in the sun. Unfortunately, when spiders we don’t recognize come out to play it can be a bit scary and overwhelming when we don’t know if we should be weary or not. Below are the top four spiders in Wichita that you should be aware of:
Black Widow Spiders – Black widows are some of the most recognizable spiders in the world. They are dark brown or black with deep orange or red hourglass figures on their bellies. Black widows are generally under a half an inch in side so it’s important to keep an eye out for them. Black widows are poisonous so make sure you steer clear or get them removed as fast as you can.
Brown Recluse Spiders – Brown recluses are also quite dangerous and should be steered clear of. Brown recluses are one of the only spiders that have six eyes instead of eight which is one of the easiest ways to identify them. They also lack an obvious pattern of colors on their legs and are covered in short hairs, almost looking like a light colored fur. Make sure you avoid these ones!
Orb Spiders – If you see lots of webs around buildings and homes but not many spiders during the day, you are probably in the presence of orb spiders. Orb spiders are nocturnal so avoid being out during the day but if you see them they will most likely be gray or brown with striped legs.
Wolf Spiders – Wolf spiders actually have a lot of of variety to them. They can range anywhere from half 1/2 to 1 1/2 inches with three rows of eyes. Wolf spiders are easy to identify even at night because if you shine a light in their eyes their eyes will glow. Wolf spiders are various shades of brown and have quite good eye sight, so they will see you coming before you will see them.
No matter the creepy crawler that comes your way, All Star Pest Control can ensure your Wichita home, business, and loved ones are safe and comforted. Give us a call today to schedule a consultation in your home or business.