Our beds are not just places to rest our bodies for the hustle and bustle of our busy daytime responsibilities. Our beds are so much more! They are a comforting place when we are ill, the playground for games with our children or pets and sometimes our office. We enjoy the comfort of our beds for cuddling, watching movies, or relaxing with a good book. A lot of life happens in the safe space our beds provide us.
    Unfortunately, we are not the only ones who want to enjoy life in our beds, I’m talking about bed bugs. Bed bugs are disgusting critters that live in the small creases and crevices in our beds. These vampire like pests are from the genus Cimex and they feed on blood, your blood, usually at night. Their bites can not only cause allergic reactions or skin rashes, but can have a psychological impact on you as well. Being a meal for bed bugs while you are at your most vulnerable is not a pleasant thought for anyone.
    Some signs you have bed bugs are skin changes from the bites, these changes can range from small areas of redness to prominent blisters. Itchiness is almost always present. Some individuals might even have a fever or feel tired. Bed bugs spend much of their time in dark, hidden locations, like cracks in walls or tight spaces in furniture, but especially in the seams of your mattress. Inspect such areas frequently. Bed bugs are very small, usually brown in color, and are a flattened oval shape. Small blood stains are also an indication that bed bugs are present.
    Bed bugs have been known parasites for a thousand years, and are easily transmitted. They can be picked up from other locations and brought into your place unnoticed. Eliminating bed bugs from your home is often extremely difficult. These biting nuisances can survive for up to 70 days without feeding and could require multiple rounds of treatment to finally be rid of them. All bedding, clothing and the like will need to be washed in hot temperatures repeatedly, frequent vacuuming, and other disruptive treatments maybe required.
    Benjamin Franklin said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” This is accurate in life, and especially when it comes to dealing with bed bugs. The professionals at All Star Pest Control can help with routine pest control to help avoid an infestation, and can help you exterminate these little nightmares, if you already have a colony. Call today! 316.854.3096