With “bed” right in their name, we tend to think that bed bugs only live in our mattresses. This is not the case. Bed bugs are extensive travelers. They can get picked up and transported anywhere. These tiny pests can even hitch a ride on luggage or even on a human host, and get right on a plane. Planes aren’t the only place bed bugs end up. It has become very common to find these disgusting blood suckers in hotels, rental cars and furniture in public places. Anywhere people or pets travel, bed bugs can catch a ride and travel along. Once you, your clothing, or pets come in contact with bed bugs, you could easily become their means of transport, all the way back to your home. So what can you do?
    It is difficult to avoid bed bugs entirely, but here are a few tips to spot them before they catch a ride with you. Bed bugs are very small, even the biggest adults only get the be about the size of an apple seed. They have a flattened oval shape body and are usually brown in color. Bed bugs feed on blood, they can and will leave blood stains and dark spots wherever they are. They also shed their exoskeleton, this may be visible and a sign to investigate closer.
    When you are about to take your seat on a plane, check for these signs, especially in the seams of your seat. When you enter  your hotel room, it is a good idea to check the mattress and around the furniture for signs of an infestation. Do this BEFORE you put your luggage, jacket, or other personal items on the bed. You can put your items on the luggage rack in your room to free your hands for this inspection. The rack is less vulnerable as bed bugs usually cannot climb the metal legs. Your rental car could also have pests lurking. Make a visual inspection here also, do this before putting your luggage in or sitting yourself down.
     Bed bugs are extremely difficult to get rid of. If they do come home with you, you will need the intervention of a skilled professional. If you find you are dealing with bed bugs in your Wichita home, it is wise to check for them in your personal vehicle as well. If they are in your vehicle, you could keep re-infesting your home. Remove all trash, and along with a visual inspection, you can use tape to press into cracks and crevices to see if they are hiding. The amazing pest control technicians at All Star Pest Control will get rid of your bed bugs safely and efficiently. Don’t wait, call today! 316-854-3096