Some people are amazed by bugs, but most of us are just creeped out by them. No matter your personal opinion on pests, we all agree they should not be in our homes, spreading disease to our family and pets. If you are in the Wichita area, you are fortunate enough to have the amazing professionals at All Star Pest Control to keep those nasty critters out of your home. Our thorough, routine treatments are obviously the most affective way to combat bugs in your home, but how can you help stay pest free in between visits? Here are a few suggestions to consider.
  1. Seal your doors – Locking your doors can help keep out unwanted intruders, just like properly sealed doors can keep out smaller, unwanted pests. Weather striping, caulking gaps and maybe even a door sweep can greatly increase resistance for bugs entering your home.
  2. Maintain your yard – keep wood piles rotated, and away from the home. The best way to decrease the mosquito population is to eliminate stagnant water pools in your yard. Also change bird bath and fountains twice a week to keep mosquito eggs from hatching.
  3. Eliminate clutter inside – Clutter inside your home is a big welcome sign to pests looking for a home. That pile of newspapers in the basement or blankets stored in the back of a closet can hide an infestation that can be out of control before you find it. Clean up clutter and keep storage in bug proof containers.
  4. Keep floors clean – Sweeping, mopping and vacuuming often can disrupt bugs trying to make a home in the corners of your place. Enough disruption can cause pests to look for other places to live, especially if you are eliminating the crumbs that would be a feast for disgusting critters.

Just like people, bugs need shelter, food and water to survive. Cutting down access to these necessities in your home will help make your place less inviting for pests. There are over 10 quintillion bugs on the planet and sometimes it seems like you are fighting a losing battle, no matter how hard you try to bug proof your home on your own. All Star Pest Control treatments is the other half of the 1, 2 punch you need to win the battle against pests.

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