Here in Kansas we have around 100 species of flying, stinging insects. The most common include Wasps, Yellow Jackets, and Baldfaced Hornets. These insects can be beneficial for pollination and reduction of populations of other pests. This does not change the fact that their search for food can make them a danger for your family and pets. In our area, homeowners and renters alike need to be aware of these colonies increasing their populations.
    Wasps, Yellow Jackets, and Hornets are all dangerous pests. They will defend their hives against anything they view as a threat (even your child or pet). Unlike bees who lose their stingers after one sting, Wasps, Yellow Jackets and Hornets will not lose their stingers and can proceed to sting multiple times. The venom the stings deliver are painful and strong enough to produce severe allergic reactions, including anaphylactic shock, which can be fatal. Allergic reactions from Bee stings are different from Wasp stings. You can be allergic to one or the other, but usually not both. So if you are not allergic to Bees, that does not mean you are immune to a reaction from Wasps.
    There are a few preventative measure you can take to reduce the appeal of your property to these annoying pests.
  • Remove water sources around your home, such as puddles, leaky pipes and flower pots.
  • Make sure you have secure lids on your trash cans. Discarded food can be attractive to these stinging insects.
  • Seal doors and windows to make it harder for them to invade your home.
  • Clear excess vegetation or overgrowth around your yard.

These are suggestions to help, but none are guaranteed. It is vital to stay vigilant in your own protection. If you notice any of these insects in multiples, there is a good chance you have a hive somewhere near. If you see them active around your home, do not try to address them yourself, you increase the chance of being attacked. Instead keep a safe distance, and immediately  call the professionals at All Star Pest Control at 316.854.3096. Ask about their pest free guarantee!