Silverfish are disgusting creepy crawlies that usually have brown bodies that can grow to be about 3/4 of an inch in length with antennae that stretches as long as their bodies. The body is covered with silvery, metallic looking scales. This characteristic gives them a fish-like shimmering look. That and how they move, wriggling like a fish would while swimming, is how these pest get their name. Also silverfish do not have wings but they can more very quickly.
    While outside they live in dark, damp and quiet areas such as under rocks, mulch, dead fallen trees or in window wells or storm drains. When the weather becomes too dry or hot for them, they seek shelter, humidity and water inside homes. They are very content living in basements, crawl spaces, under sinks or in high moisture, laundry room style areas. Silverfish are not very dangerous to humans or pets, but they can cause extremely extensive (and expensive) damage to your Wichita home.
    Silverfish love to eat. They would be happy to make a home in your pantry and feast on many typical items they find there. Pet food, cereal, dry pasta and other goods are perfect food sources to keep the silverfish strong and thriving. Don’t think they will stop there though. Silverfish will also munch on non-food items such as photos, books, furniture and clothing. There isn’t many household items that are safe from the appetite of these nuisances.
    Once silverfish have invaded your home, they are extremely difficult to get rid of. Using weather stripping and keeping water build-up areas cleaned up will help. Properly vent your crawl spaces and other humid areas of your home or garage. If you notice you already have silverfish, you will want the intervention from a licensed professional to get them completely eliminated. Silverfish hide and can multiply unseen. The professionals at All Star Pest Control will find and eliminate the silverfish in your Wichita home in no time. Don’t wait for more costly damage to occur, call today and ask about our guarantee! 316-847-6115