With the days starting to get warmer here in Wichita, Kansas we know what is coming out, the Springtails. Springtails are tiny insects that range in size from 0.25 to 6mm. They received their unique name from a spring-loaded structure called the furcula. This is located on the underside of their abdomen. The furcula is released causing the insects to be flung into the air.

When hearing the word springtail for the first time, some people might be surprised to learn that this is considered a pest. Those who live in dry climates are even less likely to have heard of one before, as these small pests typically inhabit moist environments. If you have heard of these pests, however, you may already know that in the spring and summer months, when the weather is humid and moist, springtails can become quite the nuisance. Despite their incredibly small size—most species that make their way into homes range between one and two millimeters—their presence alone leaves homeowners searching for information on how to get rid of springtails.

An interesting fact about Springtails is they can jump over 10 centimeters. They are known to normally live in damp soil. This is where they eat mold and fungus. You can find them in flowerbeds, under logs, paving stones, and landscape timbers. Another common place they like to live is under woodpiles. Springtails lose water through the surface of their body. With this being said when their environment becomes dry they tend to relocate to wetter places.

Within a household you can find Springtails in humid areas. This means areas like basements, kitchens, and bathrooms. They can also find areas that have moisture damage. They have been found inside walls where pipes have been leaking. They can also be found in furniture that has become wet and mildewed.

Springtails do not sting or bite people, nor do they cause damage to buildings or contents. It’s very common to find them in large numbers. This can be an issue to many homeowners. The fact that there can be thousands of jumping insects in an area can be very distressing.

Your friends at All Star Pest Control can take care of the Springtails and make sure they are not distressing. Our trained professional staff can make sure you and your home are protected against any pests this summer season. Give us a call today.