Springtime in Wichita is the best! Delicious Easter treats are being made, fresh watermelon is being cut, and doors and windows are being open to enjoy the weather! What more could you want after a long winter?! All of these among other aspects of spring are great, except for one little thing. Each of these great aspects of spring attract ants into your Wichita home. No one wants ants in their Wichita homes, especially around their children or their food. Most of the time you don’t even see ants coming your way, which means you end up finding them on you or in your meal. Here at All Star Pest Control we are dedicated to removing even the smallest pests from your Wichita home all year round. We offer inspections and specialized courses of treatment for your individual Wichita home’s needs.

Give us a call at (316) 847-6115 to learn more about our spring specials!